Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sketchy Lady in Business Clothes

Once upon a time, I was the coffee shop. A lady that looks similar to Hillary Clinton came up to order some food. Her attitude seemed of the arrogant sort. She tried real hard to be professional and classy. In an attempt to be friendly to this lady (aquire a tip) I asked her, "So do you have any fun plans today?" This is usually a safe question to ask since most customers do not like to elaborate about their personal life to any extent. Danger.
She looked up at me, paused for a brief second, and smirked as she replied, "Ya, I actually have a pole dancing class tonight." "What the H?" I thought to myself. She then proceeded in asking me the same question. Without any hesitation, I responded "I am probably going to find a pole dancing class as well." She laughed. I sweat. Don't judge a book by its cover... or a lady by her suit.
...yes that is a picture of the lady.

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